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Archpastoral Sermon on the Saint Apostle James.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Peace be with you all and the blessing of Our Lord Jesus Christ! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you with the annual celebration of the Heavenly Patron and the Protector of one of the oldest Patriarchal parishes in Canada! Saint James, whose memory we venerate today, […]

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy!”

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! We ask those, who are able to help, support with your donations the Orthodox Christian Mission in their work of bringing the Word of Christ to the farthest regions of the World. The mission of evangelizing and charity is carried out through the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (Address: Orthodox […]

The attitude of the Orthodox Church towards the cremation of the dead.

The attitude of the Orthodox Church towards the cremation of the dead. The cremation of the dead, which was adopted in a number of eastern religious traditions, contradicts the established Christian practice (and especially the tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church) of burying their dead in the ground. Based on the evidence of the Orthodox […]

(Русский) Архиерейское служение на праздник Воздвижения.

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Sermon on the Miracle of Archangel Michael in Honeh.

Sermon on the Miracle of Archangel Michael in Honeh. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! I congratulate you with all my heart on the feast day, which our church is celebrating today, in honor of one of the many wonders of the Archangel Michael! This miracle happened in the IV (fourth) century. One citizen of […]

(Русский) Мироточивый список иконы Божией Матери “Умягчение злых сердец” в Эдмонтоне.

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(Русский) Молитва преподобному Нестору Летописцу, Печерскому.

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(Русский) Церковные торжества в честь 400-летия Дома Романовых в Канаде.

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(Русский) Поздравление епископа Иова в связи с 400-летием призвания на Царствование Дома Романовых.

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