Recent Articles

The Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Wives

Christ is risen! “Christ is risen indeed!” – this joyful answer to the exclamation “Christ is risen” characterizes the Easter days no less than all singing. Sorrow and grief accompany all our life but they are always followed by joy. So on these days joy bursts into our soul after sorrowful tears and great grief […]

The Angel of Light 05/2009

Mai 2009/ Monthly Bulletin of the Orthodox V Charitable Association

The Great Saturday

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. In ancient times the Liturgy of the Great Saturday as other Lenten Liturgies took place at sunset and so it begins with Vespers. As Vespers is always the beginning of the service of the next day, and the next day is Easter, […]

Lazarus’ Saturday

The troparion of the feast sings, «Thou didst raise Lazarus from the dead, O Christ-God, making certain the universal resurrection, before Thy Passion».

The Angel of Light 04/2009

April 2009/ Monthly Bulletin of the Orthodox V Charitable Association

Annual Orthodox V Bake Sale

On April 1, 2009 in Lamont Hall was a successful Annual Orthodox V Bake Sale, which was visited about 180 people. Minister from parishes of Orthodox V Father George Sergeev heartily thanks all parishioners who took an active part in the arrangement and conducting of this event..

His Grace Job became a temporary administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in USA.

“…His Grace Mercurius, Bishop of Zaraisk, has been appointed Chairman of the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechism, as well as being relieved of his duties as Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the United States. The temporary administration of the Patriarchal Parishes in the United States has been entrusted to His Grace Job, […]

The third week of Great Lent. Veneration of the Life-giving Cross.

With what feeling do we present our-selves before the Lord’s Cross today? This veneration takes place half-way between the beginning of great Lent and the Passion Week. What does this Cross tell us about?

The second Sunday of Great Lent

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! Today on the second Sunday of Great Lent, the Church opens before us the well-known page of the Evangel about the cure of a paralytic man. Four men were carrying a stretcher with this sick man but when they came […]

The Sunday of Orthodoxy.

Today is the Sunday of Orthodoxy, but we should remember that it isn’t the triumph of the Orthodox over other confessions and other people, but the feast of God’s victory, the victory of truth, the victory of Christ over all weakness of human mind.