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(Русский) Чудотворная икона Божией Матери Курско-Коренная “Знамение” в Эдмонтоне.

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(Русский) Поздравление с Днем Ангела!

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(Русский) Отклики и творчество наших читателей.

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(Русский) Архипастырское поздравление с Днем Победы.

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Minister Kenney issues statement to mark the celebration of Orthodox Easter

 Ottawa, May 5, 2013 — The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, issued the following statement to mark the celebration of Easter in the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches: “Holy Week and Eastertide are a time of profound solemnity and joy to Christians in Canada and around the world. One of […]

(Русский) Особенности богослужений с чином выноса Плащаницы в храмах приходского округа «Orthodox V» Патриарших приходов в Канаде.

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(Русский) Пасхальное послание Преосвященнейшего Иова, епископа Каширского, управляющего Патриаршими приходами в Канаде

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The Paschal Epistle of His Grace Iov, Bishop of Kashira, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada

The Paschal Epistle of His Grace Iov, Bishop of Kashira, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in Canada Dear Reverend Fathers, dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! I greet you from the depth of my heart with the Great and Sacred Holy Day of Pascha! Let the words of Pascal Greeting ring today everywhere and in […]


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(Русский) Ежегодная Конференция православных епископов Канады.

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