Sermon at Ukranian Village

Sermon at Ukranian Village. May 21st 2018.

Dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters:

The Wooden St Nickolas Orthodox Church at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, 1908, Alberta. After the Divine Liturgy. May 21, 2018

The Wooden St Nickolas Russo-Orthodox Church at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, 1908, Alberta. After the Divine Liturgy. May 21, 2018

Tomorrow, Russian Orthodox beleivers celebrate the amazing feast of the transfer of the Holy Relics of Saint Nicholas from the city of Myrr, Liscia, of Asia Minor to Barri, Italy.

In honour of this feast, today we celebrate the Holy Liturgy in a temple dedicated to this great Saint. One hundred and ten years ago in 1908 this temple was built, and in 1970 it was transfered to the territory of the museum of ‘Ukranian Village’ in Canada.

The comon denominator from these two events is the word ‘transfer’ or moving from one place to another of «Holy Objects».

In the Church as well as in todays world, nothing happens without a reason. Everything that happens, by the will of God, has its own reason by which ‘we learn’.

Through the Holy Relics of Archbishop Nicholas and by the transfer of His Holy Temple to the museum, God wants to be closer to us, His people! In order to be with us, He descended from Heaven to earth, took human form, and became a real person. As a real Father He wishes that we, as His beloved children be with Him.

Through the transfer of the Holy Relics of Archbishop Nicholas, God not only saved them from desecration but also from possible destruction by conquerors. Besides, from being the Archbishop of Myrr Saint Nicholas now became a world renown saint, a real father for all Christians. In addition, the miraculous arrival of his Holy Relics to Italy, for a period of time, strengthened the christian faith in Catholic countries. Saint Nicholas then began to teach, to ‘the west’, the preservation of church spirit, how to live in truth and love.

By transfering this temple God preserved it from destruction and oblivion. Thanks to this, through Gods will, this temple continues to be a place of prayer! Today it warms us spiritually, it brings us joy and reminds us of the powerful faith which the first settlers brought to Canada from the old homestead.

This, Gods Temple, is the real home of Saint Nicholas. This kind and loved by all saint, who lived in the 4th century, continues to serve in the Church. Today, he is teaching us Christ’s Gospel, and calls us all to be kind, and by his example teaches us ‘charity ‘.

We hope, that the doors of this temple will always be open in spring time, for service to God, and that beleivers and their children will come to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker! May his blessing and prayers protect all of us! Thank you all for participating in our service. I beleive, that the presence of guests from Calgary and Red Deer, as well as the many clergy pleased Saint Nicholas and filled our souls with blessings! Amen.