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The Meaning of Faith in Christ (A Saving Faith) — prof Alexei Osipov.

The Meaning of Faith in Christ (A Saving Faith) — prof Alexei Osipov.

Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ.

Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ.

Translated by archpriest Yevgeny Protsenko, rector of Peter and Paul Church in Regina: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlurcQeKLRs&feature=youtu.be .

This is a fragment of prof. Osipov’s lecture “A saving faith” (in Russian): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POocS…

Alexei Ilych Osipov was born in 1938, in the town of Belev, Tula province. Until 1952 he and his family lived in the town of Kozelsk, Kaluga province, which is near Optina Monastery, and later in the village of Optina itself. After 1952 he lived in Gzhatsk, Smolensk province.

When Alexei Ilych graduated from high school, he was offered a chance to go to a university of his choice, but he declined it in favor studying theology at home under the tutelage of Igumen Nikon (Vorubev †1963). In 1958 he was received into the Moscow Theological Seminary as a fourth-year student on the strength of his tutor’s letter of recommendation, after having passed all the exams normally given during the first three years.

The following year he entered the Moscow Theological Academy, graduating in 1963, with a dissertation in the field of ancient Greek language. After graduation he was invited to enter the masters program of the Moscow Theological Academy. He was retained there as a teacher of a newly offered subject, “Ecumenism.” In 1965 he was invited to lecture on basic theology in the Academy and, later, in the Seminary. He continued to lecture in both places on such subjects as the history of Russian religious-philosophical thought, Protestantism, modern theological problems, and Western denominations.

In 1969 he received the title of docent; in 1975, professor; in 1985, Doctor of Theology; and in 2004 he was named Distinguished Professor.

Besides his work as lecturer, Professor Osipov has made major contributions in many areas of Orthodox Christian Theology, with particular emphasis on inter-faith relations. He has participated in numerous conferences in Russia and abroad on this subject, and has played a major role in dialogue between the Russian Orthodox Church and organizations of other Christian confessions. He has received many medals of recognition from the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as from other Christian Churches.