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75th anniversary of the deacon of St. Barbara Cathedral Andrei Boldyreff

On March 10, 2024, on the Third Sunday preparatory to the Great Lent, in St. Barbara’s Cathedral in Edmonton, Deacon Andrei Boldyrev was honored on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of his birth.

At the end of the Liturgy, the dean and rector of St. Barbara’s Cathedral, Father Igor Kisil, read out a congratulatory Archpastoral Letter on the pulpit on the occasion of such a great jubilee. Father Igor also said warm words of congratulations on behalf of the parishioners and on his own behalf, together with gratitude for many years of concelebration at St. Barbara’s Cathedral, assistance in organizing festive and episcopal divine services, training the younger generation of subdeacons and altar boys.

‘Many Years’ were sung in a special tone by the upper choir of the cathedral together with the clergy and  the parishioners, and the father rector invited everyone to the church hall for a festive meal prepared by the Sisterhood of St. Barbara’s Cathedral.

At lunch, the honoring of the celebrant continued. Roman Lopushinsky, the President of the St. Barbara Cathedral and the Chairman of the parish Council, addressed Father Deacon with a congratulatory word and a wish on behalf of all parishioners for many years of life and service and good health.

The children’s choir under the direction of the cathedral’s regent Irina Trutneva congratulated Father Andrey with a special ‘Many Years’ song. Irina, on behalf of her family and the choir members, also presented the celebrant with a festive cake and said words of congratulations to Father deacon, and also congratulated the rector of the Cathedral, Father Igor, on the 27th anniversary of his priestly ministry.

A special birthday cake with candles was presented to Father Andrew by the St. Barbara’s Sisterhood, whose chairman, Margarita Udod, also wished all the best to our dear celebrant and gave him flowers.

The Father Rector, the clergy and parishioners heartily congratulated our dear Father deacon on the 75th anniversary, offering toasts, performing congratulatory songs, and presenting gifts.

In conclusion, Father Andrew thanked everyone for the kind words of congratulations, the Parish Council of the Cathedral and the Sisterhood for the excellent dishes and organization, and also shared with the parishioners some significant memories from his life: Father Andrew is from a priestly family; his father, Archpriest Oleg was the founder of many Orthodox parishes in Canada; together with Matushka Natalia and sons, having found themselves in immigration after the arrival of Soviet power, they came from Paris, lived and served in Montreal (where Father Andrey was born) and traveled all over Canada. With words of gratitude for the support on the path of life, he also turned to his wife, Matushka Faina.

Father Igor said the final welcoming word and the parishioners once again sang “Many Years!”

May the Lord strengthen Father Andrew, and grant him many more years of graceful service in the Cathedral of St. Barbara, through the prayers of the Holy Great Martyr!