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Archpriest Dimitry Sever, Rector of the Church of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God in Ottawa.

Archpriest Dimitry (Sever) was born in the village of Kolagyol(Turkey). In 1949 he married Bandirovskaya Irene Gavrilovna.

From 1952 to 1954 served in the Turkish Army in the city of Izmir.

In June 1957 he moved to Germany (Minze Vizenow).

In June 1965 his family moved to Canada.

On October 9, 1966 he was ordained deacon and on February 1, 1970 presbyter by Metropolitan Vitalis (Ustinov) (the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad).

From 1970 to 1985 was the rector of churches of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad in Canada.

In 1985 he began the construction of the temple complex and the Russian spiritual centre in Ottawa.

On September 30, 1999 archpriest Dimitry and his parish joined the Moscow Patriarchate.

Since 1999 up till now the parish has been renting accommodation for holding Divine Services because the problems with property between the Church of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God and the Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad in Canada.

Theological education: St. Trinity Theological Seminary in Jordanville (by correspondence)

Secular Education: eight-year Turkish school, engineering courses in Germany

Church awards: