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St. Mary’s Dormition Orthodox Church, Shiskovtzi

On May 20, 1903, the church parishioners obtained forty acres of land from the government, for the purpose of constructing a church and establishing a cemetery. The arduous task of cutting, hauling, trimming, and hewing the logs started in 1904.

Construction of the church started in 1905. Even though blueprints were not made for the actual construction, the church was built in the traditional Byzantine Style. The church was constructed mainly by the parish members except for the dome which required the special knowledge and experience of John Sharun and Fred Sawchuk. Many church items were made by hand. Some of the items utilized for liturgical purposes have been brought from the native homeland, whereas others have been donated and some purchased. Shingles for the roof were purchased from Gordon’s store in Chipman, Alberta, and were paid for by eggs.

In 1965, this original Pioneer Church was donated to the Shandro Museum at Shandro, Alberta. The cross from the dome of this church has been retained and placed as a Historical Marker on the site of the original church.

Due to the original church needing extensive renovations, the parish members had decided to construct a new church. This large undertaking commenced in 1953. The site for the new church was close to the cemetery and roadway as compared to the original church. Everyone worked diligently on this project.

In 1963 the construction of the new church was completed. The official consecration of the church took place on September 23, 1963, by His Grace Archbishop Panteleimon, assisted by the parish minister, Rev. Eugene Barchewsky.

Starting in the summer of 1980 and including present time, the church, the church grounds, and the cemetery have all undergone considerable renovation and improvements. A beautiful white cross marks the cemetery where many former parish members are buried.
In 2005 Shishkovtzi Parish celebrated 100th Anniversary