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“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy!”

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Orthodox services in Africa.

We ask those, who are able to help, support with your donations the Orthodox Christian Mission in their work of bringing the Word of Christ to the farthest regions of the World. The mission of evangelizing and charity is carried out through the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (Address: Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC). 220 Mason Manatee Way. St Augustine, FL. 32086-9908. USA or http://www.ocmc.org/donate/), as indicated in the letter that follows:

“Then Jesus told His disciples, ‘If any man would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.’” Matthew 16:24

September 2013

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Two summers ago, the Orthodox Christian Mission Center sent a team of volunteers to a village in Tanzania. People just like you from churches across the country sacrificed their time and treasure to go and teach youth and young adults about the Faith. One young Tanzanian man was deeply touched by his time with the team. Through this encounter, he began to feel a deep calling to serve the Church.

Fourteen months later, another team arrived in Tanzania to offer healthcare. This same young man rarely left the team’s side. He offered to translate for the team and assist in any way he could. Before the team left, His Eminence Metropolitan Jeronymos announced that the young man would be attending seminary to become a priest!

The willingness of these team members to deny themselves in order to travel so far from their homes to preach the Gospel inspired this man. As he takes up his own cross and follows the Lord’s calling, he has the potential to reach out to countless others with the love of Christ!

Please help insure that the message of the Gospel continues to be shared by making a gift to the OCMC today! A pledge of as little as $20 per month will continue to make missions possible in places where OCMC is helping to share the Orthodox Faith.Thank you in advance for your participation in this work through your prayers and financial support. May the power of our Lord’s precious and life-giving Cross strengthen you always!

In Christ,

Fr. Martin Ritsi
Executive Director

Letter from Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC).

Православный христианский миссионерский центр (OCMC) был создан в 1994 году в качестве официального представителя Постоянной Конференции православных епископов в Америке. Своей основной задачей OCMC видит миссионерскую деятельность среди всех народов, согласно заповеди Христа. На сегодняшний день члены OCMC, миссионеры и священники, трудятся во многих странах мира, организация успешно развивается.